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Weekly Health 04/05/2021

Weekly Driver Health

It’s April and you blew those New Year’s Resolutions a long time ago. I understand, truly, I did it too! Here’s the thing: it is never too late to start getting healthy. My strategy is to take small steps. I am starting to watch how much food I consume, drink a lot more water and start becoming a little more active. The key for me is going to be actually doing it. If that sounds like you, here’s a tip: tell several people your plan! I have people who will constantly ask me what I ate, how I slept, how much water I drank and how many minutes of physical activity I engaged in; I’m not going to lie, many times I make faces at my phone during those calls. But to be honest, this is the only way I will stick with this new routine. So, my lovely drivers, join me this month. Let this month be your new beginning to a healthier you! #freedomtransdedicated #FreedomCares #truckerhealth #logistics #blownnewyearsresolutions #loveyourself

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