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A Trucker's Life Part 12

You start your day like any other; you log into your ELD app, log your pre-trip and get hooked to your load. But wait! You logged your pre-trip; did you actually do it? It’s easy to do a once-over and say you did your pre-trip but that’s not good enough. You know it’s not good enough. To protect yourself, your company, your load; doing a complete and thorough pre-trip is essential. Let’s say you are chaining your load and it isn’t done properly. You can damage the load which ends in a claim against you and your company. Another outcome is the load comes loose while you are in route and comes off your flatbed trailer; which can end way worse than a claim. It may seem as if you walked around and completed your pre-trip but next dispatch, really take your time and check everything! It could save your load or even a life.

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