Weekly Health Tip
Last week we took an in-depth look into the great risk of melanoma for truckers. Another concern for drivers is the risk for aggressive prostate cancer. Studies have shown a correlation between the whole-body vibrations experienced when driving a truck and aggressive prostate cancer, although researchers are not sure why. In comparison to workers who experience no vibration on the job, truck drivers were four times more likely to have an aggressive form of prostate cancer. While it’s not easy to reduce vibration (outside of shock absorption in the seat and wheels of the truck, which needs to be considered), encourage and educate drivers about other steps they can take to reduce their risk of prostate cancer, such as quitting smoking, and a diet rich in vitamin C and soluble fiber like cabbage, broccoli, green tea, legumes, and healthy fats from fish and nuts. Inform your drivers so they can make the best choices to stay cancer free!