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Weekly Health Tip

Getting a good night’s rest is important to your health. While it may be challenging when you’re out on the road, try these tips to enhance your chances of restorative sleep:

Explain to family and friends as well as dispatchers the importance of your sleep. Let them all know when you will be sleeping and ask them not to disturb you during those times to minimize disruptions.

Keep safety in mind. Park with a balance of quiet and safety in mind.

Block out all light. Close all curtains and truck shades or use an eye mask.

Block out the noise. Use earplugs or a “white noise” machine like a fan to block out noises. Silence phones and assign an audible ringtone to important contacts to minimize distractions.

Remember, driving a truck is a stressful and demanding job. Follow a relaxing routine within an hour or more of bedtime. This will signal to your brain that it is time to sleep. Brushing your teeth, washing your face and getting undressed for bed will help you relax and fall asleep.

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